Data Analyst Portfolio

Hi, I'm Umberto Triacca and my purpose is to discover trends and relations inside the dispersive sea of data
Do you want to know more about my work?
Take a look on my projects


Image GDP project

International Debts

Project concerning international debts in the world. Despite its problems, GDP is still considered the main indicator of a population's well-being. But a complete reading of the scenario must consider a nation's debt and not just manufacturing. How heavy are our debts in world economies?

Tools used: Microsoft SQL Server
Data Cleaning and Data Manipulation

Image GDP project

World's Oldest businesses

A project that concerns the oldest companies in the world. Our society has transformed in a way that could not have been imaginable hundreds of years ago, we have changed and our economy has changed. The real question is: what hasn't changed?

Tools used: Microsoft SQL Server
Data Cleaning and Data Manipulation

Covid pandemic

Project connected to the Corona Virus desease. In this case the focus was on the visualization of some of the most important element of the pandemic spread: the evolution of deaths and cases.

Tools used: Tableau
Data Visualization

Covid pandemic pt.2

Another project related to Corona Virus disease. In this case, the theme is undoubtedly more optimistic than the first, thanks to the focus on our best weapon used to deal with the pandemic: the vaccination program. How is the sting developing around the world?

Tools used: Tableau
Data Visualization

Life Expectancy

Project linked to the differences of life expectancy around the world. The world is still deeply divided according to the quality of life of the population. The data that most reflects this division is life expectancy, how much does it vary in modern society?

Tools used: R
Data Cleaning and Data Manipulation

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Markey

Project inherent the Bitcoin Criptocurrency. Are the Cryptos the future for our transactions? An explonatory analysis based on the volatility of the most common investment of the modern society.

Tools used: Python
Data Cleaning and Data Manipulation

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